Nonfiction Books

Technical Writing: Principles, Strategies, and Readings.
8th ed. Longman, Pearson Education
This guide to writing on the job combines 16 chapters explaining professional communication strategies, models illustrating some 60 types of business documents, and 12 short articles on effective communication in the workplace written by practicing professionals. Topics covered include organization, report writing, instructions, oral communication, correspondence, and job hunting strategies. An appendix provides guidelines for grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Available on Amazon.

The Rescue and Romance: Popular Novels Before World War I
Popular Culture Books, University of Wisconsin Press
This study analyzes how writers from colonial America to the World War I years used the
rescue convention to structure their novels, especially the romantic plotline. The
rescue in fiction counts as one of life’s main events, ranking with birth, death, and
marriage. Included in the list of 50 novels discussed are westerns, domestic stories,
colonial adventures, and male action stories from authors as diverse as Henry
James, Jack London, and Louisa May Alcott.
Available on Amazon.

The Educator’s Writing Handbook
Allyn & Bacon, now Longman, Pearson Education
This practical guide to effective communication is suited to educators at all levels. The handbook covers such topics as organizing information, speaking to various audiences, report writing, communicating with parents, administrators, school staff, and the public. Some 55 models show sample meeting minutes, agendas, school newsletters, guidance reports, mission statements, announcements, and correspondence with administrators, school staff, and community members. Also included are guidelines for grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Each chapter ends in a tip for effective, smooth writing style.
Available on Amazon.